Articles About Improving Wellness and Wellbeing

Wellness and Wellbeing Articles & Resources
Are the Chemicals in Your Home Killing You? For your family's health, here are the chemicals you should remove from your home -- and remove ASAP.
Are You Using the Power of Intermittent Fasting? Fasting is quickly emerging as a trend for its health benefits.
Body Image Wellness: Five Strategies For Liking Your Body. Millions of us have a body image issue. Learn five strategies for liking your body again.
Change Your Grocery Shopping and SAVE Your Life. Learn about hyperpalatable foods, which use the savory-sweet-fat combination to overstimulate our brains.
Consider a Power Nap for Better Health. Want better productivity at work? An afternoon nap can restore and refresh you when experiencing a natural decline in energy and wakefulness.
Discover the Methods for True, Wholeistic, Healing. Find a new concept in healing; true, wholeistic healing. Can you imagine living your ideal life? Learn more.
Do You Have a Sitting Disorder? We are living sedentary lifestyles. Do you have a sitting disorder? Learn tips to counter how much time we spend sitting and lying down.
Feel Good, Make a Difference: 20 Ways to Pay it Forward. Find 20 ways of performing random acts of kindness, making a positive difference, helping others.
Fend Off Cancer (and Other Diseases) With Four Changes to Your Life. Make minor adjustments to your life by eating better, getting exercise, and reducing stress -- and increasing the chances of avoiding cancer and other diseases.
Five Reasons You Should be Journaling to Enhance Your Life. Learn how using a journal can be a major tool to improving, enhancing life, from helping achieve goals, recording accomplishments, to appreciating the good.
5 Steps, 5 Minutes: Change Your Life for the Better. Find five tips for taking five minutes daily to work toward changing life for the better.
Five Tips for Attaining a Happy Life. Advice for those who are struggling with daily life; five key elements of a happy life are discussed.
Establishing a Daily Practice of ThanksLIVING! Having a daily gratitude practice can raise our level of joy, happiness, and self-esteem, while also improving our health and sleep.
Five Truths That Will Transform Your Life. Use the advice about these five life truths to transform your life, to be better, inspired, happier, and focused.
Five Ways to Restore Grace and Meaning to Your Life. Discusses five ways you can change to restore/enhance grace and live a purely joyous and meaningful life.
Get the (Micro) Plastic Out of Your Home! Experts are saying we are in a microplastics health crisis. More recently, microplastics have been seen in several human organs, including our lungs and brains.
Healing the Mind, Body, and Soul. If you are struggling right now, here are five ways to start trying to heal your mind, body, and soul.
Healthy Herbs With Amazing Powers That Should be in Your Meals -- and in Your Garden. Learn about some common herbs with uncommon powers of healing and prevention.
Hold the BEEF! For Your Health, Eat Only Sustainable, Pastured Beef. Looks at why we should be doing our best to purchase and eat pastured, grass-fed beef raised locally.
How and Why Eggs Should be a Key Part of Your Diet. Eggs are a superfood that should be part of your diet, of your daily nutrition.
How's Your Brain Fitness? 10 Exercise Tips for a Healthy and Fit Brain. Everyone knows about the importance of exercise for the body, but it's also true for a healthy brain.
How Thirst Often Confuses People Into Eating More. Did you know that a majority of people around the world suffer from chronic dehydration? Learn more.
How to Improve Your Life: Five Quick Tips to Better Living. Are you seeking some basic ideas for how to improve your life? Find five tips for laying the foundation for developing healthy living for a better, healthier life.
Imagine a World [Where Healthy Food is Available to All]. Read Dr. Randall's hope for a healthy future.
Is Exercise a Four-Letter Word to You? Learn how easy it is to exercise, move, and why exercising is so life-enriching.
Is Your Healing and Health Your Top Priority? This article addresses why healing and your health should be your TOP priority.
It's Time To Address It: Screen-Life Balance. Find useful tips for managing a balance with screen time. Too much screen time leads to health issues.
Journaling for Healthy Healing and Personal Growth. Journaling is a great tool for reflection and growth. It's also a tool for safely examining past trauma and can be a powerful tool for true healing.
Keys to Truly Understanding Food Labels. Food labels are designed to mislead. This article informs consumers how to read food labels, what items to review, more.
Life Fitness Planning: Becoming Fit and Healthy in All Aspects of Your Life. Improving your life fitness and overall health and wellness will improve your life dramatically.
Live Happier: Keys to Making and Keeping New Year's Resolutions. Planning to make a life-changing goal as a New Year's resolution? Read expert tips to help you draft, keep your resolutions.
Live Longer. Eat Healthier Daily. Best Foods for You, A-Z. Healthy foods have proven attributes to help make your body and mind stronger while giving you the potency and fortitude to fight off illness.
Mantras and Affirmations: Keys to Self-Care and Nourishing Your Mind. Discusses the transformative power of mantras and affirmations, what they are and how they can be used for mindfulness, and positivity.
Metabolic Health and Metabolic Syndrome. About 90 percent of Americans have metabolic health issues, which can lead to Metabolic Syndrome and a host of serious chronic health illnesses and premature death.
The Nine Steps of Wellness: Live a Better Life. By developing a wellness plan, anyone can increase the likelihood of a longer, happier, and healthier life.
Now is the Time to Help Yourself by Helping Others: 10 Ways to Serve Your Community. Performing community service is a worthy
Purge Your Pantry For Health and Healing. Don't let food marketers trick you. Most of the food sold in supermarkets is literally unhealthy junk food. Purge your pantry!
7 Simple Changes to Naturally Improve Your Health/Immune System. Find simple changes to improve your immune system naturally.
Spread Love: Five Ways to Live a Love-Filled Life. Five ways of putting love into action in all phases of your life, spreading love and joy, and living a happy, love-filled life.
10 Easy Tips for Healthier Eating. Expert, easy tips for healthier eating. By making minor changes to your eating, cooking, and diet habits, you can live a much healthier life and live longer.
10 Quick Exercise Tips for Enhancing Overall Health. Exercise and movement are essential. Find 10 exercise tips for enhancing your health.
10 Quick Sleep Tips for Helping Stay Healthy. Daily quality sleep is an essential part of long-term mental and physical health and wellness. Improve your sleep with these expert tips.
10 Tips for Coping With Life's Stressors. Life is stressful, but some stress can be good. Protect yourself from bad, stress overload, with these 10 healthy tips for coping with life's stressors.
Tips for Better Mental Health -- Live a Healthier Life. These tips for better mental health were developed to assist people in dealing with mental and emotional stress.
Tips for Creating a Wellness Kitchen. The kitchen used to be the centerpiece and gathering spot in our homes, but it has been replaced with the family room. It's time for a wellness kitchen movement. Learn how.
Trouble Sleeping? Five Plant-Based, Natural Sleep Aids. If you struggle with sleep and want to avoid addictive pharmaceutical drugs, here are five natural, plant-based sleep aids.
Try a Little Kindness: Five Tips for Spreading Love and Joy. We can't let fear and negativity win; use these tips for spreading kindness, love, and joy.
Utilizing the Power of Forgiveness. Do you want to heal? If so, forgiveness HAS to be part of your healing journey.
W.A.L.K. (Technique) For Life: A Guide to Better Health. Outlines the steps of the WALK Technique, a guide to better health through weight and diet awareness, healthy eating patterns, and improved fitness plans.
Why and How to Incorporate Self-Care Into Your Life. Self-care is not an indulgence, but a necessity; learn key tips for self-care.
Why Supplement With Medicinally Magical Mushrooms? Learn how these amazing superfoods can help your body and brain, including fighting chronic inflammation and some cancers, as well as boosting the gut.
Why You Should be Eating Seasonal Foods. Historically, people had no choice but to eat produce in season; now we get many unseasonal crops from Central and South America rather than local farms.
Why We Need a New Victory Garden Movement. Our food system is broken. We are in a nutrition/health war today. What we need is a home garden movement.