Articles About Healing, Health, and Healing Journeys
Healing Articles & Resources
Are You Affected By Past Trauma? A Self-Assessment. Take this short self-assessment and learn how trauma negatively affects lives. Plan on a healing journey.
Are We Healing Through Conventional Medicine? No. We are sick. We self-medicate with alcohol, prescriptions, drugs. We do almost anything but actually heal; conventional medicine is not the answer.
Body Image Wellness: Five Strategies For Liking Your Body. Millions of us have a body image issue. Learn five strategies for liking your body again.
Consider a Power Nap for Better Health. Want better productivity at work? An afternoon nap can restore and refresh you when experiencing a natural decline in energy and wakefulness.
The Dangers of Loneliness -- and Tools for How to Overcome It. We are in a loneliness epidemic. Find well-tested strategies for how to overcome it, and for building real community.
Discover the Methods for True, Wholeistic, Healing. Find a new concept in healing; true, wholeistic healing. Can you imagine living your ideal life? Learn more.
Do You Have a Sitting Disorder? We are living sedentary lifestyles. Do you have a sitting disorder? Learn tips to counter how much time we spend sitting and lying down.
Do You Really Need Those Pills? Find True Healing. Find common remedies/fixes for common health issues -- rather than prescription pills.
Embracing Healing Change: Keys to a Happy Life. Nothing stays constant. But a bigger issue with change is using it, embracing it, to heal from trauma. Learn how.
Establishing a Daily Practice of ThanksLIVING! Having a daily gratitude practice can raise our level of joy, happiness, and self-esteem, while also improving our health and sleep.
Five Natural Ways to Help Ease Anxiety. Anxiety is the most commonly diagnosed mental condition. Find natural ways to ease anxiety.
Five Ways to Heal Your Life! We can heal ourselves by changing habits; changing eating; changing health priorities; and changing how we see the world.
Five Ways to Restore Grace and Meaning to Your Life. Discusses five ways you can change to restore/enhance grace and live a purely joyous and meaningful life.
Gratitude: A New Year Requires a New Perspective. A change in perspective to reevaluate your circumstances may help you find (more) gratitude in your life.
Heal. And Stop Living Two (or More) Lives. Finding TRUE healing takes you to a life of beautiful and renewed joy, love, peace, and kindness.
The Healing Benefits of Laughter. Learn about the many proven health and healing benefits of laughing and laughter for your brain and body.
Healing Journey: Just One Small Step Every Day... It's a Journey. Give yourself grace and make small changes to reach your healing/health journey goals.
Healing the Mind, Body, and Soul. If you are struggling right now, here are five ways to start trying to heal your mind, body, and soul.
How Do We Awaken People? We need to awaken to the TRUTHS about trauma, food/diet/nutrition, healthcare and pharmaceuticals, big government, and mainstream media/social media/big tech.
Imagine All People Finding Healing in the Next 10 Years. This article presents an overview of the facts about our healing crisis and how we can ALL find healing now!
Is Your Healing and Health Your Top Priority? This article addresses why healing and your health should be your TOP priority.
It's Time To Address It: Screen-Life Balance. Find useful tips for managing a balance with screen time. Too much screen time leads to health issues.
Journaling for Healthy Healing and Personal Growth. Journaling is a great tool for reflection and growth. It's also a tool for safely examining past trauma and can be a powerful tool for true healing.
Make Room for Healing. We all need healing. If you are living in the past, angry, bitter, and guilty, you need to make room for healing.
Mantras and Affirmations: Keys to Self-Care and Nourishing Your Mind. Discusses the transformative power of mantras and affirmations.
Metabolic Health and Metabolic Syndrome. About 90 percent of Americans have metabolic health issues, which can lead to Metabolic Syndrome and a host of serious chronic health illnesses and premature death.
Now is the Time to Help Yourself by Helping Others: 10 Ways to Serve Your Community. Performing community service is a worthy endeavor that brings people and communities closer together.
Practice Positivity: Five Tips for How To Be More Positive. Learn key tips for how to be more positive, for both mental and physical well-being.
Practice Positivity: Five More Tips for Becoming More Positive. Find five more positivity tips, and ways people can learn how to be more positive.
Spread Love: Five Ways to Live a Love-Filled Life. Five ways of putting love into action in all phases of your life, spreading love and joy, and living a happy, love-filled life.
Ten Strategic Things You Can Do to Change Your Bad Mood. Learn 10 strategies for coping, changing, and transforming a bad mood into good.
10 Expert Tips for Coping With Life's Stressors. Protect yourself from stress overload, with these 10 healthy tips for coping with life's stressors.
To Truly Heal, We Must Reconnect With Our Inner Child. Learn how to heal unprocessed childhood trauma with inner child healing.
Try a Little Kindness: Five Tips for Spreading Love and Joy. We can't let fear and negativity win; use these tips for spreading kindness, love, and joy.
Utilizing the Power of Forgiveness. Do you want to heal? If so, forgiveness HAS to be part of your healing journey.
Want to Heal? Detox Your Home... and Yourself. Did you know your home could be keeping you sick? You need to detox the chemicals in your home. Learn how.
What is a Healing Journey? How Do I Start One? A healing journey is about WHOLE healing of both mental and physical ailments. Learn how to start yours!
What is Empathy -- and How Can You Be More Empathic? Learn more about empathy, which deals with the ability of people to think outside themselves to feel the emotions of others.
Who Hasn't Been Grieving Recently? Five Tips for Managing Loss. Many of us are dealing with loss and grief, but how many of us know how to cope and manage loss and grieving? Find tips for helping deal with loss.
Why Are We So Angry? You Have the Power to Change... Heal. Learn more about excessive anger and the methods for healing our anger.
Why Relationships Are KEY to a Healing Journey. Having supportive people, your tribe, in your life is essential to your healing. Learn more.